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TRONITY Community

At TRONITY, we always focus on you as the driver. With your ideas, you help us to improve TRONITY constantly. Let's shape the future of e-mobility together!
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Can I use TRONITY no matter which car I drive?

In our support area you will find a list of currently supported vehicles.

If your vehicle is not yet supported or no online connection is available, data can also be updated manually.

Important: Not all manufacturers / vehicles can display the same data.

What do I need to consider during installation?

If you want to use TRONITY, you don't need to install any hardware like OBD plugs or the like. All you need to do is register on our TRONITY platform, connect your vehicle and off you go.

Can I add and analyze my EV data offline?

Yes, in case of data connection interruption (e.g. at border crossings or poor internet connection from the car) vehicle data, trips as well as battery charges can be entered manually. How exactly this works, you can find out here.

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Portraitfoto von Nils Machner, COO von TRONITY

Your point of contact

Nils Machner

Chief Operating Officer
+49 621-87751990